Is Online Education Right for You?
The following skills are beneficial to possess if you plan on taking online classes:
- Strong reading and writing skills, self-discipline and time management skills, problem
solving and critical thinking skills
- Knowledge of basic computer terminology such as:
- drop down menu, log in, username, program, upload, website
- Ability to perform basic computer operations, such as:
- Using keyboard and mouse
- Managing files and folders: save, name, copy, move, backup, rename, delete, check
- Knowledge of copying and pasting, spell-checking, saving files in different formats
- Sending and downloading attachments
- Understanding basic computer hardware and software, such as:
- Software installation, security and virus protection
- Using software applications, such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel, email clients
- Ability to use online communication tools, such as:
- Email (create, send, receive, reply, print, send/receive attachments)
- Discussion boards (read, search, post, reply, follow threads), chats, and messengers.
- Additional Internet skills, such as:
- Connecting, accessing, and using browsers
- Ability to perform online research using various search engines and library databases.
It is important that you begin an online course by reviewing the syllabus and other
course items, so that any questions you may have can be addressed as soon as possible.
If you have questions or concerns please contact the instructor immediately. Do not
wait until the end of the semester as it will be too late for an instructor to help
you. Below are some tips on how to be successful in a distance education course.
- Get to know your course. Navigate through your course at the beginning of the semester
and make sure that you read each item. This will ensure that you know where everything
is located and what will be expected of you.
- Keep in contact with your instructor. This is important.
- Ask questions when you’re in doubt. The instructor(s) and the Distance Education office
are happy to assist students. (DISTED@VINU.EDU or 1-800-880-7961).
- Work on your course a little at a time through the week. Do not wait until the last
minute. You will not get the appropriate exposure to the subject if you rush assignments
at the end of the semester and it will be reflected in your grade.
- Course participation is important. Your attendance is based on course activity. Course
activity is participating in scheduled course activities and submitting assignments
on due dates.
- Complete reading and course assignments. It will help improve your knowledge and help
your success in your course(s).
- Check the course announcements and your preferred email often. Distance Education
and your online instructor will communicate with you through your preferred e-mail
- Check your grades often. You are responsible for getting assignments turned in to
your instructor. By keeping track of your grades you are making sure that your assignments
are being received and that you understand the course material.
- Manage your time carefully. Set time aside each week to study.
- Be respectful when communicating with your instructor. Make sure that you are polite
and not using offensive language.
- Remember that not participating can result in being dropped from the course at 0%
tuition adjustment.
- If you need to drop a course, go through your academic advisor. The drop must be in
writing from the student.
- Remember it is the student's responsibility to confirm financial aid availability,
class participation, and course materials. Tuition refunds are not granted for non-attendance,
not accessing an online course, not having course textbooks and materials, or non-receipt
of Financial Aid or other tuition funding.
- Remember the student is responsible for checking their My澳门足球博彩官方网址 account, e-mails, and
Blackboard to confirm enrollment. Tuition refunds will not be granted because the
confirmation email was not seen or the systems were not accessed.
While some academic requirements for online classes can be adequately completed via
the use of a mobile device, tablet or Chromebook, Distance Education students are
expected to have access to a laptop or desktop computer with a Windows or Mac operating
system to complete all online academic tasks.
At the following link you will find the minimum and recommended hardware and software
requirements necessary in order to access an online class through Vincennes University's
current version of Blackboard. Individual instructors may have additional requirements
for specific classes. Be sure to check your course syllabus and discuss technology
needs with your instructor as early in the class as possible. You will also be able
to test your internet browser at the following link to make sure it is compatible
with taking online classes via the Blackboard system.
Many classes also require the use of remote test proctoring via PROCTORIO. To effectively use that service students must be able to utilize the Google Chrome
web browser and must have webcam capability on their laptop/desktop computer.
Distance Education Attendance Policy
Please note that online courses have due dates and are not self-paced. The 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Distance Education Attendance Policy is based on the premise that students
will complete all assigned course work by the established due dates. Failure to complete
an assignment by the established due date is interpreted as an absence from the class.
Any student who misses an assignment will be subject to attendance warnings and classroom
concern notices from their instructor. Multiple attendance warnings and classroom
concerns may result in administrative withdrawal.
Students who miss class hours totaling twice the number of credit hours awarded for
the course, or the equivalent of two weeks of class instruction, are eligible to be
dropped from class. Faculty will be using the “TAPS” program–Tracking Attendance and
Performance of Students–to issue warnings for non-attendance and to drop students
for non-attendance with the following final grades:
- WN: Withdrawal for non-attendance, Not failing
- WF: Withdrawal for non-attendance, Failing
***Please Note: When a faculty member drops a student due to non-attendance/inactivity
in a course it does not excuse the student from the tuition charges or other financial
Only the student may appeal such a drop for non-attendance, and the student has two
possible avenues for appeal.
- The student may appeal directly to the faculty person for readmission to the course
and must provide evidence of extenuating circumstances that caused the absences. The
faculty person has the option to readmit the student at his/her own discretion.
- The student may appeal the drop for non-attendance through the DEAN OF STUDENTS OFFICE by completing a DROP PETITION APPEAL form within five business days from the date of the notification. The Dean of Students
will then review the appeal, consult with the faculty member and, potentially, the
student and render a decision to grant or deny readmission into the class. If there
is extenuating information/evidence unknown to the faculty person or Dean of Students,
the student is responsible to provide that information/evidence. The review is conducted
by the Dean of Students or a designee.
Vincennes University students are expected to be honest in all academic work. A student’s
placement of his or her name on any academic exercise shall be regarded as assurance
that the work is the result of the student’s own thought, effort, and study and that
the work was completed in a manner consistent with University policies and regulations.
Acts of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary sanctions and include, but
are not limited to instances of cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of misrepresenting
academic work.
- Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, accessing information or using resources not expressly
permitted during an examination, doing work for another student, and receiving or
disseminating content of an assignment or activity (e.g. test, quiz, paper) without
instructor permission.
- Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else’s work, including the work of other students,
as one’s own. Any ideas or materials taken from another source for either written
or oral use must be fully acknowledged. A student must not adopt or reproduce ideas,
opinions, theories, formulas, graphics, or pictures from another person or source
without acknowledgement or applicable permissions.
- Other forms of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, submitting the same work for multiple assignments
without instructor permission and furnishing false information to any university official,
faculty member, or office.
The instructor will determine appropriate student disciplinary action that is consistent
with the academic dishonesty policy contained in the syllabus of the instructor, which
may include referral to the OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF STUDENTS for appropriate disciplinary action in keeping with procedures used in the handling
of other types of student conduct situations.
Online courses require at least as much study time as their campus-based counterparts.
You should expect to study at least 2-3 hours a week for each credit hour you are
enrolled for in a given term. In other words, for each three credit hour course,
you can expect to study 6-9 hours per week. These amounts are to be used as a rough
guideline, as the actual time needed to study for a given course will vary from student
to student.
Below is a chart that illustrates the general amount of time per week you should expect
to study for a given class (per credit hour) based on the course length. For example,
if you enroll in an 8-week course as opposed to a semester-long 16-week class, you
should expect to spend double the time studying for a given course each week. In
general, the shorter the class length (number of weeks), the greater the number of
hours you can expect studying each week.

The following skills are beneficial to possess if you plan on taking online classes:
- Strong reading and writing skills, self-discipline and time management skills, problem solving and critical thinking skills
- Knowledge of basic computer terminology such as:
- drop down menu, log in, username, program, upload, website
- Ability to perform basic computer operations, such as:
- Using keyboard and mouse
- Managing files and folders: save, name, copy, move, backup, rename, delete, check properties
- Knowledge of copying and pasting, spell-checking, saving files in different formats
- Sending and downloading attachments
- Understanding basic computer hardware and software, such as:
- Software installation, security and virus protection
- Using software applications, such as Word, PowerPoint, Excel, email clients
- Ability to use online communication tools, such as:
- Email (create, send, receive, reply, print, send/receive attachments)
- Discussion boards (read, search, post, reply, follow threads), chats, and messengers.
- Additional Internet skills, such as:
- Connecting, accessing, and using browsers
- Ability to perform online research using various search engines and library databases.
It is important that you begin an online course by reviewing the syllabus and other course items, so that any questions you may have can be addressed as soon as possible. If you have questions or concerns please contact the instructor immediately. Do not wait until the end of the semester as it will be too late for an instructor to help you. Below are some tips on how to be successful in a distance education course.
- Get to know your course. Navigate through your course at the beginning of the semester and make sure that you read each item. This will ensure that you know where everything is located and what will be expected of you.
- Keep in contact with your instructor. This is important.
- Ask questions when you’re in doubt. The instructor(s) and the Distance Education office are happy to assist students. (DISTED@VINU.EDU or 1-800-880-7961).
- Work on your course a little at a time through the week. Do not wait until the last minute. You will not get the appropriate exposure to the subject if you rush assignments at the end of the semester and it will be reflected in your grade.
- Course participation is important. Your attendance is based on course activity. Course activity is participating in scheduled course activities and submitting assignments on due dates.
- Complete reading and course assignments. It will help improve your knowledge and help your success in your course(s).
- Check the course announcements and your preferred email often. Distance Education and your online instructor will communicate with you through your preferred e-mail address.
- Check your grades often. You are responsible for getting assignments turned in to your instructor. By keeping track of your grades you are making sure that your assignments are being received and that you understand the course material.
- Manage your time carefully. Set time aside each week to study.
- Be respectful when communicating with your instructor. Make sure that you are polite and not using offensive language.
- Remember that not participating can result in being dropped from the course at 0% tuition adjustment.
- If you need to drop a course, go through your academic advisor. The drop must be in writing from the student.
- Remember it is the student's responsibility to confirm financial aid availability, class participation, and course materials. Tuition refunds are not granted for non-attendance, not accessing an online course, not having course textbooks and materials, or non-receipt of Financial Aid or other tuition funding.
- Remember the student is responsible for checking their My澳门足球博彩官方网址 account, e-mails, and Blackboard to confirm enrollment. Tuition refunds will not be granted because the confirmation email was not seen or the systems were not accessed.
While some academic requirements for online classes can be adequately completed via the use of a mobile device, tablet or Chromebook, Distance Education students are expected to have access to a laptop or desktop computer with a Windows or Mac operating system to complete all online academic tasks.
At the following link you will find the minimum and recommended hardware and software requirements necessary in order to access an online class through Vincennes University's current version of Blackboard. Individual instructors may have additional requirements for specific classes. Be sure to check your course syllabus and discuss technology needs with your instructor as early in the class as possible. You will also be able to test your internet browser at the following link to make sure it is compatible with taking online classes via the Blackboard system.
Many classes also require the use of remote test proctoring via PROCTORIO. To effectively use that service students must be able to utilize the Google Chrome web browser and must have webcam capability on their laptop/desktop computer.
Distance Education Attendance Policy
Please note that online courses have due dates and are not self-paced. The 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Distance Education Attendance Policy is based on the premise that students
will complete all assigned course work by the established due dates. Failure to complete
an assignment by the established due date is interpreted as an absence from the class.
Any student who misses an assignment will be subject to attendance warnings and classroom
concern notices from their instructor. Multiple attendance warnings and classroom
concerns may result in administrative withdrawal.
Students who miss class hours totaling twice the number of credit hours awarded for the course, or the equivalent of two weeks of class instruction, are eligible to be dropped from class. Faculty will be using the “TAPS” program–Tracking Attendance and Performance of Students–to issue warnings for non-attendance and to drop students for non-attendance with the following final grades:
- WN: Withdrawal for non-attendance, Not failing
- WF: Withdrawal for non-attendance, Failing
***Please Note: When a faculty member drops a student due to non-attendance/inactivity in a course it does not excuse the student from the tuition charges or other financial obligations.***
Only the student may appeal such a drop for non-attendance, and the student has two possible avenues for appeal.
- The student may appeal directly to the faculty person for readmission to the course and must provide evidence of extenuating circumstances that caused the absences. The faculty person has the option to readmit the student at his/her own discretion.
- The student may appeal the drop for non-attendance through the DEAN OF STUDENTS OFFICE by completing a DROP PETITION APPEAL form within five business days from the date of the notification. The Dean of Students will then review the appeal, consult with the faculty member and, potentially, the student and render a decision to grant or deny readmission into the class. If there is extenuating information/evidence unknown to the faculty person or Dean of Students, the student is responsible to provide that information/evidence. The review is conducted by the Dean of Students or a designee.
Vincennes University students are expected to be honest in all academic work. A student’s placement of his or her name on any academic exercise shall be regarded as assurance that the work is the result of the student’s own thought, effort, and study and that the work was completed in a manner consistent with University policies and regulations. Acts of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary sanctions and include, but are not limited to instances of cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of misrepresenting academic work.
- Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to, accessing information or using resources not expressly permitted during an examination, doing work for another student, and receiving or disseminating content of an assignment or activity (e.g. test, quiz, paper) without instructor permission.
- Plagiarism is defined as presenting someone else’s work, including the work of other students, as one’s own. Any ideas or materials taken from another source for either written or oral use must be fully acknowledged. A student must not adopt or reproduce ideas, opinions, theories, formulas, graphics, or pictures from another person or source without acknowledgement or applicable permissions.
- Other forms of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, submitting the same work for multiple assignments without instructor permission and furnishing false information to any university official, faculty member, or office.
The instructor will determine appropriate student disciplinary action that is consistent with the academic dishonesty policy contained in the syllabus of the instructor, which may include referral to the OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF STUDENTS for appropriate disciplinary action in keeping with procedures used in the handling of other types of student conduct situations.
Online courses require at least as much study time as their campus-based counterparts. You should expect to study at least 2-3 hours a week for each credit hour you are enrolled for in a given term. In other words, for each three credit hour course, you can expect to study 6-9 hours per week. These amounts are to be used as a rough guideline, as the actual time needed to study for a given course will vary from student to student.
Below is a chart that illustrates the general amount of time per week you should expect
to study for a given class (per credit hour) based on the course length. For example,
if you enroll in an 8-week course as opposed to a semester-long 16-week class, you
should expect to spend double the time studying for a given course each week. In
general, the shorter the class length (number of weeks), the greater the number of
hours you can expect studying each week.