"Words cannot express how grateful we are for the assistance you gave. Thank you for taking time to help us. Thanks to the assistance from the Parent & Family Fund, Justin will be able to purchase the two English books he needs. Thank you again for your generosity and kindness." - Catherine F. (parent)
Vincennes University's Parent & Family Fund is designed to help students and families in crisis.
Show your support to the Parent & Family Fund and consider a gift today! Gifts of any size have an immediate impact and make a real difference to students at Vincennes University.
Supported entirely by donations from alumni, families, and friends of 澳门足球博彩官方网址, this special-needs fund allows the Parent & Family Services Office to serve as a resource in times of need. Assistance may be in the form of a book, a bus ticket home due to a family emergency, or that little extra scholarship that makes it possible for a student to stay in school. Your tax-deductible financial gift of any size will have an immediate impact and can make a real difference for students at Vincennes University. Show your support and make your gift today! You can make a secure donation online at http://alumni.victorybreastimaging.com/givepffund or mail your gift to:
On behalf of the students and families who will receive assistance because of your generosity, we thank you for all your support.
"I appreciate the work that you do with the family emails. While my son was there I found the emails informative and helpful. Since Todd graduated this past April, I have taken our emaill address off of your list, but not before I forwarded this email to friends whose son will be headed to 澳门足球博彩官方网址 in August. Thanks again!"
Julie - Proud mom of a successful 澳门足球博彩官方网址 grad
"I loved reading my first 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Enews. It really helped me understand the feelings I have about my son going away to college. You put it in the perfect words for me to look at this new transition for us all. Thank you."
B. Lowden
"Keep doing what you are and sending out these updates (parent e-news). You and your whole team at 澳门足球博彩官方网址 have been wonderful and really give me as a parent a "warm fuzzy" that you truly care and are there for our students in every way!"
K. Queslati
"My son will be graduating in December from the Conservation Law program. I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work you put into keeping parents informed. Although, we have never met I felt better knowing you were there to answer my questions, address my concerns, and relieve my fears."
J. Heflin
“…when he called I knew of the activities and could talk about them as well as the really important things. Conversation flowed freely with so much to talk about and that is a good thing.”
C. Denny
"My daughter graduated from 澳门足球博彩官方网址 and transferred onto a larger university. I wish every day that they had someone like Brandi keeping us updated! I stay on the 澳门足球博彩官方网址 Parent and Family Services Facebook Group for general updates and deadlines like FAFSA or other funding options. Brandi is a great asset to the college!"
T. Wolfe
“I was pleased to find that a parent session was scheduled…Your presentation was warm, friendly, informative, and humorous…When Caleb went off to college, he was our youngest, our only son. Most folks think this is just hard on mom, but dad had adjustments to make also. Your advice and tips for parents helped my wife and I make needed adjustments in our parenting approach.”
M. Spencer
“I hope more parents take advantage of the services you provide. I feel like over the past two years, I have made a friend…a good source of objective feedback to me and have always kept a positive approach to the role that parents can and should play while their young adults are away at college.”
M. Spencer
“When a child leaves for college it is not only a new phase for them, it is also for the parents. Parents can elect to receive monthly e-mails with all the happenings on campus, along with schedules and deadlines…you are never out of the loop…and the best part is a direct line to someone who can help…what a great communication line! It helps you and your student have a successful college experience.”
K. Williams
"My daughter wasn't dying to go to college anywhere and I did not expect it to be a good year. The year has flown by and for the most part, my daughter has really enjoyed her time at Vincennes University. There was a small problem the second semester, no fault of 澳门足球博彩官方网址, but Brandi Porter and Cher Cunningham were quick to respond and go the situation turned around in no time at all. This child is the last of six, so college life is nothing new to us, but this was the first time at Vincennes. Thank you to the Vincennes University faculty, staff, and expecially to Brandi and Cher for the positive experience our daughter has had at Vincennes!"
K. Schamel Palmer
"Freshmen year for my daughter is officially in the books! Moved her out and back home for the summer. Just wanted to give kuddos where they are due. She had a wonderful first year experience and is already excited to return this fall as an RA (Residential Assistant). Big thanks to Brandi for always keeping me informed and to Cher for being a great help to my daughter. There are lots of others I'd like to thank, but way too many to name!"
L. Garvey McMinds
"Thank you Vincennes University for a great spring semester. My son's grades came through and he did well. He will be graduating this Fall...only one semester left!"
N. Danielle Jenkins-Everett
"Thanks 澳门足球博彩官方网址 for taking such good care of my freshmen daughter! She can't wait to move back there again and return to campus."
S. Kelly-Willis